III Iberoamerican Parkinson's Conference
D1P1: Living beyond Parkinson's / Review of what Parkinson's is, symptoms, diagnosis, general treatments and more.
D1P2: The pain in Parkinson's disease: Relationship with other diseases; Pain evaluation and painscale, treatments
D1P3: Parkinson's Cognitive: Cognitive Change; behavioral alterations, dementia, and other changes as they affect the patient and family.
D1T1: I help myself to Help You: Knowledge makes a difference. Parkinson's Caregiver and Family Support/Promoters Parkinson's Ambassadors and Our Community.
D2P1: Weaving Networks/Pharmacological/Surgical Treatments. Presentation from different Spanish-speaking countries what treatments are being done in their country. And how accessible it is for patients.
D2P2: Surgical Treatments, is it my option? -TBS, Focus Ultrasound, The stomach Pump.
D2P3: Parkinson's Research Treatments: Challenge, Stop or Cure? Parkinson's. Presentation of Research treatments in different countries phases of the study, how to participate and what is true!
D2T1: Workshop: My experience with a Surgical treatment!
D2P2: Surgical Treatments, is it my option? -TBS, Focus Ultrasound,
the stomach Pump.
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